Во имя Рима: Люди, которые создали империю.


О ранней военной организации Рима см.: Т. Cornell (1995), pp. 173–197; D'Agustino, "Military Organization and Social Structure in Archaic Etruria", in O. Murrey and C. Price (eds.) The Greek City, (Oxford, 1990), pp. 59–82; E. McCarteney, "The Indebtedness of Early Rome to Etruria", Memory of the American Academy at Rome 1 (1917), pp. 122–167; M.P. Nilson, "The introduction of Hoplit Tactics at Rome, Journal of Roman Studies, 19 (1929), pp. 1-11; E. Rawson,"The Literary Sources for the Pre-Marian Roman Army", Papers of the British School at Rome, 39 (1971), pp. 13–31; L. Rawling, "Condottieri and Clansmen: Early Italian Warfare and the State, in K. Hopwood, Organized Crime in the Ancient World (Swansea, 2001), и A.M. Snodgrass, "The Hoplite Reform and History", Journal of Hellenic Studies 85 (1965) pp. 110–122.