Герцог Бекингем.

Раздел VI Отдельные исследования, касающиеся периода 1603-1628 годов.

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Allen (J.W.), English Political Thought, 1603-1660, 2 vol., 1938.

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Cogswell (Thomas), The Blessed Revolution: English Politics and the Coming of War, 1621-1624, Cambridge, 1989.

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Cust (R.), The forced loan and English Politics, 1626-1628, 1987.

Cust (R.) and Hughes (A.), ed. Conflict in Early Stuart England: Studies in Religion and Politics, 1603-1642, 1989.

Dietz (E.C.), English Public Finance, 1558-1641, II, 1964.

Elliot (John H.) and Brockliss (L.W.B.), The World of the Favourite, Yale, 1998.

Firth (C.H.) and Lomas (S.C.), Notes on the Diplomatic Relations of England and France, 1603-1688, 1906.

Firth (C.H.), The House of Lords during the Civil War, 1910 (включает также материалы по времени царствования Якова I и началу царствования Карла I).

Foster (Elizabeth R.), The House of Lords, 1603-1649, Chapel Hill, 1983.

Gardiner (Samuel Rawson), Prince Charles and the Spanish Marriage, 1869.

Gardiner (S.R.), The Thirty Year War, 1618-1648, 1871.

Guizot (Francois), Un projet de mariage royal: Charles Ier et Henriette de France, 1863.

Hirst (Derek), The Representatives of the People? Voters and voting in England under the Early Stuarts, Cambridge, 1975.

Houssaye (Michel) “L’ambassade de M. de Blainville a la cour de Charles Ier d’Angleterre”, Revue des questions historiques, 1878.

Kenyon (J.P.), The Stuart Constitution, Cambridge, 1966.

Lockyer (Roger), “An English valido? Buckingham and James I”, in R. Ollard and P. Tudor-Craog, ed. For Veronica Wedgwood, 1986.

Mathew (David), The Jacobean Age, 1938.

Me Elwee (W.), The Murder of Sir Thomas Overbury, 1952.

Oppenheim (М.), A History of the Administration of the Royal Navy, 1509-1660, 1886.

Parker (Geoffrey), The Thirty Year War, 1984; фр. пер.: La Guerre de Trente Ans, 1987.

Peck (Linda David), ed. The Mental world of the Jacobean Court, 1951.

Peck (Linda David), Court, Patronage and corruption in Early Stuard England, 1993.

Penn (C.D.), The Navy under the Early Stuarts, 1913.

Ruigh (R.E.), The Parliament of 1624, Cambridge, Mass., 1971.

Russell (Conrad), Parliaments and English Politics, 1621-1629,Oxford, 1979.

Rye (W.B.), England as seen by Foreigners in the Days of Elizabeth and James I, 1865.

Sharpe (Kevin), ed. Faction and Parliament, Oxford, 1978.

Sharpe (K.), and Lake (Peter) ed., Culture and Politics in Stuart England, 1994.

Stone (Lawrence), The Crisis of the Aristocracy, 1558-1641, Oxford, 1965.

Stone (Lawrence), Social Change and Revolution in England, 1540- 1640, Oxford, 1965.

Stone (Lawrence), Family and Fortune: Studies in Aristocratic Finance in the 16th and 17th Centuries, Oxford, 1973.

Tite (Colin), Impeachment and Parliamentary Judicature, 1976.

Tomlinson (Howard), ed. Before the English Civil War, Essays on Early Stuart Politics and Government, 1983.

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White (Beatrice), Cast of Ravens, New York, 1965 (о деле Овербери).

Zaller (R.), The Parliament of 1621, a Study in Constitutional Conflict, Berkley, 1971.